Is Cash Discounting & Surcharging Legal?
The Payment Card Interchange Fee & Merchant Discount Antitrust Litigation as well as the passing of laws such as The Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform, The Consumer Protection Act, and The Durbin Amendment have given the power to merchants in all 50 states to implement Cash Discount programs in their brick and mortar locations as well as their online locations. Cash Discounting is now accepted nationwide.
Surcharging is rapidly gaining approval throughout the United States. Originally there were a total of 10 states that banned surcharging, but now there are only 4. As of 2020, Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, and Massachusetts are the only states that still do not allow merchants to apply surcharging fees. Previously, states such as Texas and New York banned surcharging, but the states found in favor of the merchants taking their side in the battle against credit card processing fees. In January 2019 the state of New York overturned the ban on surcharging.
How Does Cash Discounting & Surcharging Work?
100% Compliant
Vader Business follows all card brand rules and regulations and provides the following to ensure compliance:
Processing Made Easy
Accepting Credit Cards is a no brainer with Vader Business:
All processing solutions available:
Easy Capital
The Durbin Amendment does not allow any payment card network to inhibit a merchant’s ability to implement a cash discount.
U.S. interchange rates are unregulated, allowing payment card networks (Visa, MasterCard, etc.) to charge what they want at any time. Interchange fees will continue to increase to the merchant.
It has been proven that raising prices costs far more customers than implementing a cash discount program.
States across the U.S. are raising minimum wage rates, especially in the Tri-State area with New York at $15/hour with New Jersey soon to follow.
Junk fees are just one example of a junk fee charged by your traditional credit card processor.
Cash Discounting removes the need to display a minimum debit or credit card sales signs.
From rising rent to inventory costs, the cost of doing business grows every year for merchants with no relief.
Businesses that join Vader Business see an immediate increase in profit as a result of the savings from eliminating their processing bill. These savings are being used to cover payroll increases as a result of minimum wage hikes, rent and utility increases, increases in cost of merchandise, and much more.
“They charge 3.99% to my customers so I don’t have to pay anything. If a customer purchases $10 worth of goods, I receive $10. This is one amazing service and it’s completely free for merchants!”
“Thanks to Vader Business. I’m able to manage higher minimum wage laws for my employees without having to reduce their hours or downsize my staff.”
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